Sunday, November 20, 2016

Lets get into it!

Tomorrow I start tuning my fifth quad-copter.  Well I actually started yesterday so let me tell you about that first.  I purchased a flight controller (FC) online, installed it and when I got to the part about connecting the receiver and transmitter it would not work.  I found out after much research and examining the FC that the PPM resistor was missing.  So I went about installing the Naze32 FC that I salvaged from the last crashed quad-copter.  I had to re-solder a few connections but I got it to work.  Half way through tuning yesterday motor #3 kept dropping out.  That FC is now garbage.  I purchased a new FC yesterday afternoon, got it programmed and installed, I will start tuning it tomorrow.  Hopefully I don't crash or destroy the frame.  As soon as I have it tuned I will post a tuning video.  In the mean time here is a quick history of my builds and frames.

Here are some photos
ZMR250 Destroyed in a crash with some rocks in Yuma.  Rebuilt another after losing the one below in the desert.

Emax Nighthawk 250 Few away and destroyed the frame, replaced the top plate at least once.  Built a second one after destroying in it when it flew away and lost it in the desert south of Tucson

That's it for my post.  I'll post a photo of my new frame some time later.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

About this Blog

I suck at hobbies and by that I mean when I try to get into a hobby it never goes well.  I suck at playing video games online, I had a hard time getting into Airsoft and now, my newest hobby of course is giving me a hard time.  Last Christmas I bought all the parts and built an FPV quadcopter. Most people just refer to it as a racing drone.  I hate that name because as a veteran, when I think of the word drone I imagine a predator shooting missiles at the enemy, not some little dinky thing flown by some fat old guy as a hobby.

Anyways, this has been a difficult road, the purpose of this blog is to  keep a record of my trials, errors, crashes and what not.  Stay tuned for more, I will try to post once a week to record the good the bad and the rebuilds.